SNEAKER PIMPS Six Underground (Clean Up)

As featured prominently in the contemporary cinematic entertainment "The Saint" ("weaved seductively into Elisabeth Shue and Val Kilmer’s love scene", it says here), this is the second release (and second consequent top 20 success) for the Sneaker Pimps’ "Six Underground". Which version of the ten spread over The Man’s usual "buy one then buy another next week" marketing scam actually used in the film is not recorded. Presumably it ain’t the jumping and pumping twelve minute "Sneak’s "Kicker" Mix", alluring as it may be. In fact, the only version presented here that gives any clue to the song’s genesis (i.e. retains any great quantity of the lyrics) is the faux orchestral "Attica’s Puma States Remix". Despite being fairly entertaining, nothing amidst over thirty-five minutes of the same song suggests that the Pimps’ debut album "Becoming X" should be high on my shopping list, despite the rave reviews it has apparently garnered.

Kelli Ali
